Stretch Goal Unlocked! (And More to Come!)
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 08:57:50 PM
We did it! In the final hours of the campaign, we pulled it off: the epic investigator Dr. William West is coming to Madness Reborn! Thank you so much for making this happen. We so appreciate you believing in this game and campaign. You're amazing.
At $400,000, we have officially unlocked:

We'll have updates on his concept and sculpt as those things progress. In the meantime, though, there is a glaring omission: we had talked about two investigators, but William is only one. Every other major Deep Madness expansion has two investigators, so will this one really be different?
Previously, we had said that we would add the epic investigators as add-ons if we didn't unlock them. But now that William is unlocked, that just feels kind of weird. So, we're going to have one final stretch goal, and we're going to keep working toward it in the pledge manager. I don't have all the details yet (I don't even have the graphic, as our graphic designer is currently asleep), but I can promise it's happening: Enlightened Regan Waite will be joining Madness Reborn, and there will be more details on how we'll unlock her when we open the pledge manager.
Thanks again for being with us, my friend. Onward!